The Lititz Fire Company, along with aid from the Brunnerville, Rothsville, Manheim, Penryn, Brickerville and Neffsville fire companies, fought a barn today during very hot weather conditions. The temperature was around 100° with high humidity levels when the fire was reported.
This was one of the hottest days of the year and this kind of weather takes a much greater toll on our firefighters. Firefighting is a very dangerous and strenuous activity on the body and the very hot weather compounds these concerns a great deal.
Additional firefighters were called to the scene so that all the personnel involved with the firefighting effort could take extra breaks, rehydrate and cool down.
It appears that the fire may have been the result of "hot hay;" hay that contains too much moisture when it is put away which causes a rapid decomposition within the bale resulting in eventual spontaneous combustion.
Despite the best efforts of all the firefighters involved the barn and the contents were a complete loss. The barn was very heavily involved by fire when the first firefighting units arrived. |